Dementia & Alzheimers Care at Home in Ontario
In-Home Care to Support Dementia Patients, Alzheimer’s Patients and their Family Members
At-home care for older adults suffering from medical conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders affecting brain function, can be a sensitive and challenging topic for people to discuss.
If you have a family member who is showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, being proactive and finding out what you and your family can do to ease anxiety and make everyday activities easier will have long-term benefits for all.
The Challenges of Dementia Patient Care
Caring for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is more than a full-time job; it can be overwhelming for a family member who acts as a primary caregiver. By choosing in-home care over nursing homes, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing they will receive high-quality care that meets their needs, while taking pressure off other family members.
Through Staff Relief, you and your family can get support through in-home care services. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our expert caregivers will be there to assist your loved one with dignity as they experience cognitive decline and allow you to feel comfortable with the care they are receiving. Let us help support you on this journey.
Supporting Seniors Living With Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease
Quality Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care
From juggling medical appointments to medication management, food preparation or personal hygiene matters, it can be hard to trust someone to take care of your loved ones. But rest assured, with our team of qualified and experienced in-home caregivers, your loved one will always be treated with respect and the utmost care.
Reliable Support Services
When you choose in-home care providers from Staff Relief, you will always be well informed about the course of care. From the initial assessment to regular updates, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Taking care of a person with dementia is an around-the-clock priority, our care team is available 24/7.
Highly Trained & Compassionate Staff
Providing exceptional dementia care at home begins with the care team. Our team members undergo a 13-step training program to ensure they are equipped with all the skills to deliver the best care for you and your family.
Comprehensive Support and Planning for In-Home Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care
For people across Ontario, the need for dementia care is at an all-time high and will continue to grow. There are over 500,000 Canadians currently living with dementia, according to the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, and that figure is projected to increase to over 900,000 by 2030.
As dementia progresses, from early warning signs through early stages to declining cognitive function, virtually everything about daily living can change. Personality change, memory loss, difficulty communicating and troubling changes in behaviour are but some of the challenges faced by the families of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. It is essential to consider future needs when discussing health care options. As dementia or Alzheimer’s disease progresses, your loved one may start to need more consistent monitoring to protect their health and safety.
Planning for Alzheimer’s and dementia care well in advance will help your family cope in difficult and emotional times, and help you make the best decisions. Our objective is to provide the highest quality of care with compassion and engaging companionship.
Our Staff Check All The Boxes
Background Check
Vulnerable Sector Screening
COVID-19 Protocols
Immunization Records
CPR/First Aid Certified
Our Staff Check All The Boxes